I Can’t Breathe Waiting in the clouds For my life to begin For my heart and my fear For my voice, for my scream I can’t breathe
by Naja and Arnaud Girard KWPD Chief Donie Lee published the department’s Internal Affairs review of Charles Eimers’ in-custody death on Monday. Officers were found to have acted professionally while using techniques that are proper for “actively resisting subjects.” “I thought denial was a river in Egypt. Now we learn it is an island at the Read More…
KWPD Chief Donie Lee published the department’s Internal Affairs review of Charles Eimers’ in-custody death on Monday. Officers were found to have acted professionally while using techniques that are proper for “actively resisting subjects.” “I thought denial was a river in Egypt. Now we learn it is an island at the end of U.S. 1.” [Citizen’s Read More…
According to KWPD there was no Taser fired during the fatal arrest of Charles Eimers on Thanksgiving Day of last year. But after a few months of forensic clean-up and enhancement by the Eimers family’s legal team, Officer Lovette’s infamous taser recording speaks again and it’s not pretty: Officer Lovette: “Listen. I tased a motherf***er Read More…
USCG Sector Key West On a 70 degree, blue sky, December day in Key West, I found myself on the west end of the island, outside the guarded, metal gates of the United States Coast Guard Group, Sector Key West. A young, round male in wrinkled blues, held the gate house secure against the food Read More…
NOWHERE TO RUN: NEW VIDEO DEVASTATING TO KWPD CREDIBILITY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HOMELESS IN KEY WEST: OLD MAN CHAPMAN, CAPTAIN TILLY, AND PETER PAN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LAST DAY AT CHAPMAN’S HOUSE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MONROE COUNTY’S SECRET ROADMAP TO RESEGREGATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ALL BLUE PAPER COVERAGE ON THE DEATH-IN-CUSTODY OF CHARLES EIMERS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ALL BLUE PAPER Read More…
CUDJOE REGIONAL WASTEWATER SYSTEM, WHAT’S REALLY GOING ON? Here is another piece of the puzzle on how the Cudjoe Regional Wastewater System (CRWS) came to be so very badly designed that those of us who are paying attention actually consider it to be an endangerment to our National Marine Sanctuary, and far from an improvement to Read More…
I have friends that tell me they would like to read my essays, but won’t because they’re in an on-line publication and my friends are more comfortable with hard-copy-old-school newspaper. They like the feel and the rustle of real paper. I guess Kindle is out of the question, as well. I say to them, so Read More…
The duality of nature, with its accompanying ‘yin and yang’, have caused me pause. Through the years I’ve sought measures that would allow me to more effectively process these complimentary, yet opposite, realties. As a young child in the South Bronx my grandmother pierced through these metaphysical philosophies with a clear and pointed revelation: “When Read More…
Robinson Jeffers’ short, prophetic poem, “Shine, Perishing Republic” is especially poignant if not palpable today. Readers can experience the unraveling of our 238-year old republic on TV, which didn’t exist 89 years ago when he published it. Talk about vision. Gonzo Journalist and activist Chris Hedges, America’s moral conscience today, recently chronicled the demolishment of Read More…
Robinson Jeffers’ short, prophetic poem, “Shine, Perishing Republic” is especially poignant if not palpable today. Readers can experience the unraveling of our 238-year old republic on TV, which didn’t exist 89 years ago when he published it. Talk about vision. Gonzo Journalist and activist Chris Hedges, America’s moral conscience today, recently chronicled the demolishment of Read More…