The War Against Mosquitoes…



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  1. This makes me ill. GM mosquitoes are an untested technology and, as has been seen in other arenas (such as Roundup Ready crops) GM creations can and will have unintended consequences. Weeds are already overtaking these genetically modified crops and farmers are forced to use greater and greater levels of toxic herbicides.

    A woman in Key West collected over 100,000 signatures to stop this and yet it goes on. That shows how totally ineffectual petition drives are. I’m also sorry that the Blue Paper chose to run what amounts to an advertisement for this company and Mosquito Control, which has given space in a taxpayer funded building (known as the Taj Mahal) to this private company to experiment on Keys residents.

    Using these mosquitoes to control dengue fever, which doesn’t exist in the Keys, is stupid but not as stupid as the Mosquito Control board which doesn’t care about the consequences. Nor do they have to because they are very right wing and our voters just reelected the most right wing of all, Mr. Goodman.