Spiritualized Curriculum–Promotes Cures, Solutions And Positiveness



“In the vault of the mind lies all the chains of bondage, as well as the keys to freedom”

–Paramahansa Yogananda.

Unwilling to teach truth and wisdom, we’ve been ‘dumbed down’ to a point of dependency upon our overseers to manufacture the reality they’ve engineered for us.

“We’re not a wisdom society–we’re a knowledge society; knowledge becomes outdated very quickly, and therefore old people become obsolete” –Ram Dass.

Unable to benefit from the experiences and insight accrued through the ages, the hidden truths understood by our predecessors have become obscured. Their study into the nature of creation and the cosmos, are filled with perspectives that provide answers to the dilemmas of existence. Acceptance of this wisdom radically alters the way we’ve been taught to view the phenomenon of consciousness.

Flying by the seat of our pants, the blind have continued to lead the blind into conditioned boxes of disquietude. Lacking the knowhow, with few alternatives available, these instructors teach us to languish over life and assign fault to people, places and things for our suffering. This conditioned reaction perpetuates cycles of anger, violence and malcontent.  

How much easier it is for an individual to point an accusatory finger at another, then take responsibility for the direction of their lives. Rather than do the required work to ameliorate our anguish, society has reinforced the premise that there’s always someone or something else to blame for our disturbed minds.

Sick and troubled adults breed sick and troubled children to take their  place. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Ignorance has not been bliss for the United States. Our cavalier and contemptuous nature, fostered by our willingness to use superior firepower, has not served us well. Malfeasant politicians and criminally corrupt corporations have squandered much of our inherent good fortune. Fertile lands and natural resources that could feed the planet, have instead birthed a military industrial complex that hasn’t any conscience nor willingness to bring magnanimity into the world. We’ve stood by and allowed these entities to do their thing. Never holding those who are in a position to make a difference, accountable. Until we demand better, we will get less.

Teachers cannot impart wisdom they’ve not acquired. They haven’t any idea where to begin. Indoctrinated by the propaganda spewed forth by the Department of Education, they are devoid of a curriculum or competencies that would equip our children with the change they crave.

Not the Obama version of ‘change’, but a virulent intoxicating energy, that will catapult the recipient into another dimension.

It’s as real as the nose on our faces. The ‘rocky mountain high’ melodically expressed by John Denver. Where are those teachers, principals, superintendents and leaders? Many students need them. Their lives are dependent upon their arrival. Are they on their way?

Antiquated deceptions and inaccurate information are being put forth by professors and educators as universal truths. The old ideas emanating from this fraudulent instruction must be abandoned, if we ever expect to evolve towards an ‘age of enlightenment’.

Self-discovery and awakening require a ‘skill set’ not often taught at our schools, colleges or universities. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.

Chairman Mao stated that: “All political power comes from the barrel of a gun”. It took our long and bloody Revolutionary War to wrestle our independence from the tyrannical rule of the British Empire.

We’ve been given a Bill of Rights, Constitution and Declaration of Independence so that the ‘People’ might never have to endure the suffering of another revolution. Renouncing the principles contained in these documents, will ensure the death of an ideal once called America.

  No Responses to “Spiritualized Curriculum–Promotes Cures, Solutions And Positiveness”

  1. ‘Cause and Effect’ are inescapable. Until the ‘swamp is drained’ our nation will proceed in its decline. Lacking the will and leadership to alter the standardized norm in education, the nose dive will continue.

  2. We will continue to draw blanks if nothing changes. Doing more of the same, will bring more of the same.

    Excellent article, thanks for running it.

  3. the “Bill of Rights, Constitution and Declaration of Independence” have already been renounced at every turn in every way for decades now in this once upon a time ‘constitutional republic’ by the dept of education and every dept of government in our political structure including the house and senate and the white house. this corruption has been going on for generations and has brought us to today where we are groped before boarding a transportation medium or sports stadium as in the tsa or kidnapped with no charges nor right to an attorney as in the ndaa or our rights be damned as in the patriot act and military commissions act. our constitution has been shreaded and the ‘new world order’ is solidly in place with all its minions ready to move into pure global governance the us constitution bill of rights be damned and unfortunatly for this nation the sheeple sleep and mindlessly allow such horrendous indignitys at airports in classrooms guidence as common core the current abomonation and within current politics its antics speak for themselves as in for example ‘you need pass it to know whats in it’.
    bottom line its totally out of control and the only savings will be imho
    throwing off the existing governing structure and starting over again basis the constitution and bill of rights a second revolution so to speak without band aids.

  4. Government infringing and negating rights is one thing. The natural course of events, is for Power to expand its domain. What I’m witnessing is the voluntary surrendering of freedoms adjudicated to the People. Cowering before ‘power’ is an attribute that has been acculturated into our society. It comes from generations of children being indoctrinated to ‘fear’ and doubt themselves.

  5. It totally goes against the human spirit to be a slave. Frightened, weak, overly concerned with our inflated EGO’s and safety, we’ve bowed to the ruling authority to protect us. Fighting to the death for what we believe in, has been weaned out of us by the time the American Public School system is through with us. We are turning over a vast wasteland (spiritually, educationally and culturally) to our loved ones.

  6. Government agencies are a reflection of society. Their effectiveness is on par with the dedication, commitment and second-rate education that’s been being delivered for generations. You can’t get blood from a stone. We’ve been breeding a seriously flawed society, as measured by our ranking in the world. Students rank last and near the bottom in every measureable academic area, when compared to their world-counterparts.

  7. Long standing negativity and contempt for those who think out of the box has been the driving theme of our educational bureaucracies. Results should be the basis on which these systems are evaluated. At present our students rank behind Vietnam, Lithuania and Hungry. At the bottom or near it on all measureable academic areas. Innovative ideas and individuals must be allowed access to our students.

  8. Character building and ethics have ceased to be included in many curriculums. Kids look to get what they need to access more money than the next person. This equates to success in the material world, not so much for happiness.

  9. Imagine a positive vibration in our classrooms and schools. It would go a long way to healing this nation and the world. What a leadership role we would take. The by-product would be regaining our prestige and dream, that once was America.

  10. A well educated society confident within themselves is not the goal of the central government. Held accountable by an informed citizenry; is not what they want.

    With the enormous sums of money spent on education, if the government wanted to provide our children with a world-class education they could.

  11. Politicians, pundits and crusaders like to talk about problems. That’s it, talk about them. Little action, and the efforts that they make are geared to increase the power they’ve already acquired. Not much there.

  12. Please watch this video by Dr. Sommers to learn about the boy education defict in public schools. I was talking with Captain Ed from the BOE about this last year. The boy reading defict is erased in Florida non union charter public schools for some reason. This is why I believe the deficit is created on purpose.

  13. Fred, absolutely excellent video. Very informative with a brand of info not readily made available to the public. It sickens me that we play these parlor games with the lives of our nation’s children.

    If possible, perhaps Sloan and Sister would offer their take on it. Thank you.

  14. Just another part of the puzzle of mind control and manipulation through the feminist, new age and gayification movements to keep the masses subdued and obedient.

  15. Education for our kids nationwide is at an all time low. Does anyone really expect ‘greatness’ in our country?

  16. The USA and NSA are all in when it comes to controlling, conditioning and engineering the minds of its citizens. We applaud, beat our chests and give our schools an A rating, as generations of students continue to spiral downward, when compared to their counterparts world-wide.

    Knowingly or unknowingly, our tax dollars are being used to weaken our public school system; through inept leadership and corrupted educators.

    Yet, we continue to elect politicians who are conditioned to follow the party line. Self-inflicted wounds are destroying us. Our enemies watch in amusement.

  17. Where do you think all of this incompetency, inefficiency and corruption stems from? Breed Airedales get Airedales. A deficient and failed system of education continues to recycle the automatons required to sustain itself. Many broken families turn their children over to the government to be raised.

    There isn’t much to offset their indoctrination. Lacking the skills to advance themselves, many turn to alcohol, drugs, gangs and video games to distract themselves from their internal pain.

    A revolutionary change is necessary to alter the destructive path that we are on.

  18. College and University students are products of a sub-standard school system. It is reflected in the fact that nearly 60% of incoming freshmen require remedial classes. It takes in many instances nearly 2 years before they are able to take real college or university classes.

  19. Why on earth do we not want more for our children?? We have accepted the sub-par performance of a failed school system for far too long.

  20. Teachers are not supported by their principals and district administration. Teachers who challenge and demand more from students are quickly sanctioned or reprimanded when these students and parents pushback. Principals and school districts have sold out our children and their nation.

  21. Here is a video of my friend, Dr. Warren Farrell giving a presentation about the boy education deficit at UT.Warren was the president of NOW .He resigned from NOW when they started creating sexist education policies via cirriculum and other methods that was harmful to male students. Please watch the protest by feminist hate groups NOW and SCUM preceding his presentaion. Why are they protesting Dr .Farrell? They know boys are behind girls in every academic measure because of the feminized school cirriculum and they like it that way.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6w1S8yrFz4

  22. Just to make your point,look how Duncan was treated when he was questioning education policies while elected to The BOE.