Spiraling Towards The Abyss vs Pax Romana



Rome wasn’t built, nor destroyed, in a day. Over time there was a break down in the culture, consciousness and structure that made them viable. Their empire fell apart, never to regain its greatness.

The forces that destroyed the Roman Empire are alive and well in the United States. It’s reflected in the cultural decadence that has taken hold of our society; manifesting itself as the new normative standard by which our acceptability and competency are determined.

Anger, violence and other forms of hostility are reflected in many art forms. Murderous spectacles are routinely produced and presented to our society as entertainment.

Evidence indicates that children have not been served well in the American public school system. Their second-rate education has ranked them last and near the bottom in every measurable academic area, when compared to other students from around the world.

Our failed school system has overseen a record number of students who drop out. Florida’s dropout rate is 29%. Can you imagine, nearly one out of every three children in Florida does not receive any type of education.

These young Americans are funneled back into society underserved, lacking the skills required of them to compete on the world stage. Rather than contributing to society, many of these young men and women will place a significant burden on hard working taxpayers who have spent their lives building this nation. These citizens have funneled extraordinary amounts of money into the government, so that every American child could receive a world class education.

Students unable to read their diplomas, will require government care in one form or another. A nanny-state cannot be great nor prosperous. A nation’s magnificence comes from the development of its citizen’s potential.

Dialogue addressing the real problems and solutions necessary to turn our nation around has not been forthcoming. Free speech and the exchange of ideas has become irrelevant, for it has been hijacked by politicians and their minions so they can win elections. Government and journalists sharing a particular belief have conspired in many instances to carry each others water, for the sake of advancing their own power and influence.

There isn’t any need for the government regime to depart from its party line. They are shielded and insulated from the consequences of their ineffective policies by a tainted press. Creative and invigorating alternatives challenging their ideology, never see the light of day.

Demonizing citizens who value and adhere to a set of ideas differing from the ruling elites, has become the favorite past time of the state run media.

The present administration will never run out of targets, for everywhere they turn they find a bogeyman. Unfortunately for them, it’s their polices and manner of governance that is fueling the restlessness of a nation, which has begun to push back.

 The imaginary monsters being conjured up by the ‘president’s men and women’, as to the reasons of their ineffectiveness, bear a striking resemblance to the inhabitants at the White House.

  No Responses to “Spiraling Towards The Abyss vs Pax Romana”

  1. While on the subject of “Decline and Fall” , note the similarity of our militarism and the use of mercenaries in that previous empire. Now we have thousands of “private contractors” , bearing arms and killing people without the normative rules of law. The great people of this nation are being ill served.

  2. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security”

    we don’t see the above in the MSM nor taught in our federal dept of edu-indoctrination controled school systems any longer.

  3. Give me liberty or give me death ! Our right as free beings have been and are being destroyed. If it weren’t for civil disobedience this county would have never claimed it’s freedom from the King. If it weren’t for civil disobedience the south would have never enjoy the economic boom it has today from the Jim Crow Laws We have all come a long way. But the new fear to our freedom now is economic discrimination

  4. I chill with some of Johns former students at the local coffee shop every night in Key Largo. All of them speak highly of him.
    I think parents have no idea how bad our public schools are.60 % of all college- university students have to take some sort of remedial course in their freshman year. Most of these students can’t tell you the names of the seas on the east coast and the west coast.
    I had no idea how badly boy students are doing in every school and every state in our country. I read professor Sommers book ” War Against Boys” and I was horrified of what I read. I had no idea that a political activist group in the democrat party that has a deep down hatred of boys was able to rig school cirriculum and educational policies against them.
    As a result of this boys are behind girls in every academic measure. The good news for Florida students is that students have several alternative to the public school system . The publicly funded charter schools is one alternative .From what I have read the boy reading deficit has been erased in most if not all of the charter schools. From what I have read it is the result of the type of phonics that the non union charter schools use
    Please watch this video of Dr. Michael Gurion to learn why boys are not doing well in the public schools . Please watch the other videos in the sidebar of this YOUTUBE vid. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXR5giU0gs4

  5. My good friend John Donnelly is spot on about the shortcomings of our education system. It appears to be by design to keep the masses from engaging in critical thinking and goes beyond any particular president’s ability to directly change things. “We the people” (those of us that still have the ability to think critically and don’t engage in “willfull ignorance) must engage in dialogue about what’s in it for us (& the larger community), instead of what’s in it for me and my clan. Listen carefully to another’s perspective before offering your own.

    I believe we are at the tipping point of two parallel global domination (Star Wars?) agendas – One seeks to control (or destroy) humanity by authoritarian means and the use of fear.

    The other is based on the premise (using J Hendrick’s phrase) ” When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace” and THRIVE. Check out the THRIVE MOVEMENT for positive solutions.

    BIG changes are coming at us at an exponential rate. Choose your thoughts and actions well. Collectively, when more of us are thinking and doing “what’s in it for us” the proper balance will emerge.

    Captain Ron

  6. Such an important documentary. Thanks for sharing.

  7. When I ran for the District 2 School Board seat in 2012, I told candidate forum audiences that each school in the Keys should vote itself to be a charter school and thereby get out from under the extreme robotic, cookie cutter mass production forcing of school children though a once-size-fits-all college prep teaching model, infected nearly to the death with standardized testing and teaching to those tests, instead of to each student based on his/her respective interests and abilities. I also advocated school children being taught a trade which made them job ready on graduation from high school, and they be bilingual in English and Spanish (in the Keys) and fluent in touch typing by entry into high school,