Government Is A Weapon Of Mass Destruction…..


top secret

“The practices of arbitrary imprisonments have been, in all ages, the favorite and most formidable instruments of tyranny.”–Alexander Hamilton.

The following is based on information that was anonymously presented to me, by an unknown author. I’ve researched and studied the data, putting it together for the purposes of this column. Some sections of this article duplicate segments from the aforementioned information.

Since the events of 9/11/2001, our government has insisted that our safety requires that they have ever greater authority over us. To keep us safe, they need to know every detail of our financial, personal and private lives. We can never be safe until our bank, tax, telephone, internet, credit card, and medical records are fully available to the authorities.

NSA has been spying on every American citizen, in every way possible. The NSA director is being investigated for perjury, regarding his testimony before the House of Representatives. It appears that there are similarities between Obama’s ‘kill list’, Bush’s ‘drone strikes’ and the undertakings of the NSA.

They both operate in secrecy, with a clandestine group of operatives, who are not held accountable nor answerable to the rule of law. Devoid of the sunlight, all manner of abuse has occurred. Innocent civilians with their children have been regularly murdered, many times over. Their savage killings are referred to as ‘collateral damage’ and bantered about by our pundits, as though their lives hadn’t any value. They were terminated in pursuit of  the furtherance of our war on terror.

Americans seem to have bought into the notion that  our government  needs to know all. Without much in the way of protest, we’ve meekly submitted to a series of laws. Each law has shown greater contempt for fundamental human rights and our Constitution, while seizing ever greater power over each and every one of us.

The most dangerous of these infringements is the Military Commissions Act of 2006.

The MCA suspends habeas corpus rights (your right to know the charges against you) for anyone designated as an “enemy combatant.” The act also authorizes secret trials and the friendlier forms of torture.

You might observe that the law only applies to “enemy combatants” and thus continue to feel safe. You probably think that to become an “enemy combatant” you would have to be caught with a bomb, or a gun, or plans for poisoning a reservoir or something. But that’s not it. You become an “enemy combatant” when a secret panel of presidential appointees decides, in a closed door meeting, that you are one. You don’t get to participate in the decision, in any way.

Consider a panel of presidential appointees covertly going through this process, particularly given the fact that a recent discovery of documents  reveals the Department of Homeland Security’s authorization of initiatives to examine data, on those who have “unfavorable” opinions of the Obama and Bush administrations, along with their policies.

The MCA has greenlighted opening the door to official “disappearances” of political opponents, protestors or simply people someone in power doesn’t like. The MCA gives power to politicians, which no one can be trusted with, power that has nothing to do with fighting a “War on Terror” and everything to do with crippling legitimate political processes.

It appears that one purpose of the MCA is to proffer the specious notion that any opposition to the whims of those in power amounts to “giving comfort to the enemies of the United States.”

A failure to stand against and resist this law now, will assure that sooner or later, it will be too late to peacefully protest for its repeal. We are told that we must give up our rights and submit to the government’s constant surveillance of us, so that they might defeat a form of sectarianism and religious fanaticism.

The government’s poorly concocted battle plans and execution thereof, have destabilized the world and fanned the flames of hatred and distrust in our direction.

 The unchecked governments of Stalin’s Soviet Union, Mao’s China, Hitler’s Germany and Pol Pot’s Cambodia, along with many other lesser known despots, used the power gained in times of real or imagined danger to kill hundreds of millions of their own citizens. In every case the consequences of trading freedom for safety were far more dangerous than the initial dangers ever were. The most devastating Weapon of Mass Destruction that can be used against any nation is the unrestrained power of its own government.

Political ideologues and their minions prefer to demean other citizens whose experience and thoughts are different than theirs. They expend inordinate amounts of energy in acquiring and maintaining power. I understand why they are uninterested in combating the corrupting and overreaching nature of government, for in their own right, they are miniature tyrants.

Controlling and forcing others to think, believe and behave as they do is what they live for. Political pressure is their preferred instrument of enforcement.

“By whatever means necessary”, has become their governing style


John Donnelly

John Donnelly

  No Responses to “Government Is A Weapon Of Mass Destruction…..”

  1. A detailed and thoughtful analysis that is well-written. It is a valid perspective based upon present political realties.

    A sad commentary on the demise of the Republic. It’s flat out frightening….

  2. This is a hard hitting and accurate piece about what has been happening in the US. Government will not give back the power it has taken. We’ve elected corrupt politicians and placed them into positions of trust. It’s been said that the ‘people get the type of political leadership they deserve’. Donnelly has plenty of courage exposing the criminality of the Obama and Bush administrations.

  3. Couldn’t agree more. The vile polygamous marriage of government/military,corporate,finance and media has produced the mess we’re in. History shows us ALL empires reach a point of unsustainabilty and end. ALL. Everyone cheered when the Soviet Union collapsed, but we are now reaping the rewards of unfettered capitalism and we too are nearly finished. The beat goes on.

  4. AUTHOR: Benjamin Franklin (1706–90)
    QUOTATION: “Well, Doctor, what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?”

    “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

    They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
    Benjamin Franklin

    well done mr donnelly and shall we include the 2014 version of the ndaa?

    this nation needs a clean sweep in the upcoming 2014 mid-terms and a tea-party movement to repeal the patriots act and the military commissions act aka patriots act II and the offending sections of the ndaa. hopefully this fascist bent to our government is eliminated and repeal of the 3 above would be a good start.

  5. “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”.

    “If you want to keep your insurance policy, you can keep it”.

    “If you value your privacy, you can keep your privacy”.

  6. We’ve allowed much of our freedom, and many of our liberties to slip away. We have not gotten safety in return. Our society and the world at large is more dangerous than it has ever been. We’ve lost on both counts.

    As this nation continues to produce student graduates that rank last and near the bottom in every measurable academic area, when compared to their world counter-parts, our chances of regaining the rights that were surrendered over to the government are diminished.

  7. An ignorant society will produce dangerous leaders. This evil has manifested itself in school boards and school superintendents. These entities entrusted with educating our children, refuse to provide them with a world class education. They are paid plenty, for not delivering a viable product to our kids. They defraud the taxpayers and are protect by the corrupted politicians who want their votes. As has been stated, “The swamp needs to be drained”.

  8. Infiltrating and penetrating enemy lines for the purpose of spying on them is an appropriate use of the NSA. The incessant surveilling tracking and taking of personal information from ordinary American citizens, without their permission and without probable cause, is a clear violation of the Constitution.

  9. What a mess…This country is being destroyed from within. The liberal progressive agenda hasn’t any standards or accountability. That would be unfair…

    Anything goes, if it feels good do it. Somebody else will pay the price and absorb the consequences of our reckless behavior.

    There isn’t any gratitude nor appreciation for the blood and sacrifice that went into birthing the liberties that we have enjoyed. Undervalued and underappreciated these freedoms have been squandered.

    Ranking last and near the bottom academically, we’ve settled for being taken care of by the government. Without firing a shot, our country has been taken from us…

  10. Government Schools have bred an angry society frustrated by their inability to compete on the world stage. Their dependency has welcomed and given rise to the ‘Nanny State’. Unable to proceed confidently with their lives, these students who were failed by their school boards, superintendents, principals and teachers; have willingly surrendered many of their constitutional liberties and independent spirit to the ‘Nanny’, whom they hope will look after and protect them. It’s really pathetic and disgusting.

    Without question, we are expected not to challenge the lies and deceptions that are being put forth by the Obama administration.

    Our recent high school graduates have been ‘had’ by this master puppeteer. The liberal and progressive element in this country, have supported the delusions and non-sense proffered by the empty suit in the white house. Quick to legitimately dissect Bush, they allow this man’s unchallenged narrative to be viewed as fact. The

    The “Truth” will keep us free; not one man’s distorted and twisted version of it… Time has come that we must speak up….

  11. in furthering good starts the dept of education or shall i say dept of edu-indoctrination needs be abolished. hopefully 2014 mid-terms will be sucessful toward furthering this and many goals of reducing the facist central government we now clearly live within much to our detriment.

  12. The problem with the good old USA is that we the citizens have been double jointed for far too long. We have our numb heads stuck up our numb backsides and are breathing all the government promoted air we can stand. Dumbed down education, civic standards lowered, TV that is so crude , parents not in charge (in school or in the home).
    It will happen to my neighbor but never to me. Good luck with that.

  13. The government has all the resources that it needs to market their indoctrinated version of reality. The taxpayers in effect pay to have themselves lied to.

    The 1st Amendment to the Constitution was designed to keep the government answerable to the people. Unfortunately, a left leaning press has become a mouthpiece for the white house.

    In furtherance of his power, the president of our executive branch has resorted to issuing executive orders to bypass the legislative and judicial branches of government, as he transforms the nation to accommodate his world view. A lot of control for one man.

    Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. We are on a dangerous path, that is leading us to places, we will have wished that we never visited.