Guest Editorial: FIRM Applauds HARC’s Commitment to Compromise


On December 4, 2013, FIRM and HARC held a public workshop to explore FIRM’s proposal to loosen HARC Guidelines to allow for the voluntary use of storm grade reproduction windows, when replacement is necessary, by homeowners who wish to secure valuable windstorm insurance mitigation credits, conserve energy, and keep in step with Key West’s Sustainability and Climate Action Plans which promote both energy and infrastructure sustainability.

Extensive information was brought to the table by both FIRM and the HARC Commissioners, as well as by members of the public. Both sides of the issue were presented fully and passionately, and interactive educational discussions took place ranging from detailed engineering to the more human aspects of pure preservationism.

The real gem for the people of Key West, however, was HARC Chairman Rudy Molinet’s commitment to digging deeper together to identify effective and workable compromises that could, for example, allow for the ongoing preservation standards for appropriate properties in Old Town, alongside perhaps allowing the use of appropriate reproduction storm grade materials on others.

To that end, Chairman Molinet created a joint Task Force that will be comprised of a certain number of members of FIRM, HARC and the general public with expertise in relevant areas of concern. The talent and expertise that we have here will surely create models that can be used by other historic districts throughout Florida, and perhaps the country, and so FIRM applauds HARC for this forward thinking effort.

Chairman Molinet was clear that the purpose of the Workshop was to come to the table with open minds, and a marketplace of ideas and creativity was indeed created. Of particular excitement was the unveiling of a new insurance credit-worthy shutter made of both wood and reproduction storm grade materials which was just recently approved by the Florida Building Commission, and which by all accounts, showcased the ways in which FIRM, industry, and HARC can work together to marry the concepts of preservation with state of the art storm grade reproduction materials. This would safeguard the historic character, and the economically diverse aspects of Old Town, that together make Key West the special place that it is for the people who live and work here.

Everyone at FIRM looks forward to working with the HARC Commissioners on this exciting project and to crafting ways together that will truly make Old Town an even more secure and affordable place to live.

Click here to download FIRM’s powerpoint presentation on this issue.