Conditioned Minds–Attract Duplicitous Ideologies… Continued



As an inner city high school student in an economics’ class, we were required to pick ten stocks traded on the New York Stock Exchange, which we believed showed signs of growth and profitability. Our assignment was to trade these stocks as we saw fit, keeping the class abreast of our progress throughout  the year. The goal was to see who could accrue the most profit from their initial investment. With guidance and direction from our teacher, along with my summer job experience on Wall Street, I secured the highest profits ever recorded by any student taking that class. As I remember, one of the stocks I really liked back then was Disney. As an adult investor,  Telefones de Mexico has served me well.

I’ve had opportunities to acquire all the affluence and abundance that this world could offer. These riches were mine. I just had to work within a group, which was conducting the same business being performed by our government.

I thought about it, sized up the caliber of those individuals that I would be required to work with, and said no.

Fortunately, I had alternatives in how I could go about earning a living. Although I came from a broken home, because of the  many sacrifices made by my parents and grandparents, an attitude and emphasis on the importance and value of doing well in school was established. As far as peer pressure went, I was not a follower, as the values instilled within me created a competent and proficient young man, capable of marching to his own drummer.

Teachers and coaches harnessed my energy and introduced me to a world of discovery and adventure via academics and sports. I enjoyed the attention that I received through my successes in the classroom and on the athletic field. The need to be recognized via misadventures on the ‘streets’, was significantly diminished.

As I evolved through life’s challenges and struggles, a certain amount of character and intestinal fortitude were developed. During this process of growth I acquired a wide range of experiences and acquired wisdom. Gratitude, along with a deep appreciation for those who had prepared me to withstand the  rigors of life, are the bedrock of my existence.  Without the support and direction rendered unto me, by others along the way, I would have crashed and burned many times over. These simple and extraordinary influences in my life, kindled an internal yearning  to become a force for good in the world.

I was cognizant of, and desired to become, a Self-Actualized and Self-Realized individual; independent of the opinions and attitudes of others. As promised by Abraham Maslow and Paramahansa Yogananada, there is a reality beyond the ‘dollar bill’. A life devoid of the machinations and suffering that comes with following the indoctrinated herd.

I am under construction, a work in progress. I have been given  many gifts and tools from the trailblazers who have preceded me. They’ve cleared a pathway to authentic fulfillment and freedom, disengaged from the world’s bankers. I’ve discovered that the liberating promises made by the forerunners of enhanced consciousness and enlightenment, are  only a thought and breath away.

I have witnessed individuals that amassed considerable riches in the field of politics, law enforcement and government; lose everything, even their lives, for the sake of their Brothers and Sisters. I know CEO’s in the corporate world, who have transferred enormous sums of their wealth into the hands of nations and groups, whose citizens are suffering from all manner of abuse, so that the pains of their ‘less fortunate’ might be abated.

Analytically reasoned, what are we really looking at?  Is ‘money’; or ‘thought’; the root of all evil?

Principles, character and the integrity of each individual within any corporate or political paradigm, will always determine the values and ethics under which such systems are managed and operated.

Perseverating on the notion that ‘money is evil’, simply is not true. Expanding further on that premise, that ‘those with abundance are inherently shady’, is just as wrong.

Extensive research and comparisons with our world-counterparts, definitively acknowledges that repeated generations of our children have been denied an education of any real worth. Perhaps enlightening these innocent recipients of the propaganda being spewed by the government schools, with a course or two on economics and the motivation behind armed conflicts, might free their minds. Starting off each class with a brief period of meditation will center and focus each student, opening avenues of their consciousness previously unexplored.

In classes I taught at a ‘Maximum Security Prison for Criminally Insane Adolescents’, my students would perform at a high level,  just so they could earn enough points to meditate with me. The joy of meditating was also sought out by my students in a public school setting.

If as a society, we demand that the ‘Wisdom of the Ages” be  advanced in the curriculums that we underwrite, children will very quickly respond to the empowering brilliance and beauty contained therein. They will become liberated, determined to break an enslaving bondage to the dependency based ideology proffered by their government schools. Class and race warfare, along with pitting one political group against another for the purpose of domination, will no longer be an effective means for governments to condition and control our lives.

The influence of Rothschild types will have been diminished to the point of non-existence. The emancipating qualities ignited and stirring within, will have catapulted these future generations of Americans into another dimension,  forever breaking the bonds that once shackled them……

  No Responses to “Conditioned Minds–Attract Duplicitous Ideologies… Continued”


    This is the direction we are heading. From your writing, I’m not sure if you think this is a good idea or not. I personally think it sucks.

  2. Sister, appreciate your taking the time to post a comment. An increasing number of Independent entities, from every walk of life, are making decisions as to how they are going to live their lives.

    They’ve come to understand that their fate and destiny rests within their own hands. They can choose to effectively live in the world, yet, not be a part of it. Playing the game, to the extent that they want to play it, while holding dear to the Self-Actualizing and Self-Realizing principles proffered by Maslow and Yogananada.

    The money makers, lenders and traders have little influence over them. For in actuality, and if they so desire, their advanced states of consciousness give them an edge in beating the ‘money people’ at their own game.

    Riding gently in the saddle of life, they wear the material world as a loose garment. Detached and unaffected by the machinations of life. Their eyes are focused on the source of all solutions and understandings, as they are filled with light.

    Impenetrable to the delusions and forces of darkness, spewed forth by those prioritizing their wealth and power, they take refuge and prosper within, from an internal awareness, acquired through the decisions that they’ve made and the direction they’ve chosen to live their lives.

    It may all sound a little hokey, however, it’s as real as the nose on our faces. These are the authentic teachers we crave. Our children, society and the world at-large are starving for this type of nourishment. It has been available to us for eons. Most have not been hungry for it.

    All of our conditioned and indoctrinated attitudes and beliefs must be abandoned, for the result will be nil, if we don’t discard these shackling perspectives.

    No one, no matter what they may have, can think my thoughts nor live my life for me. I call my own shots. I’m responsible for my conduct.