


468px-Crispus_AttucksIn 1770, Crispus Attucks, a black man, became the first casualty of the American Revolution when he was shot and killed by the British in what became known as the Boston Massacre. Mr. Attucks sensed that his hope and dreams to one day live as a free man, might best be realized with the revolutionaries he died with on that day. This ‘patriot’ embodied the courage, spirit and determination that birthed our nation.

“My only regret is that I have but one life to give for my country”, “Give me liberty or give me death”, “Uncommon valor was a common virtue”, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”; are quotes that have defined us throughout our history.

School curricula are lacking in scope and depth, when it comes to elucidating upon the circumstances under which these statements were made. The sacrifice made by Crispus Attucks has been virtually ignored.

Ambling along the ‘Minute-Man Trail’ in Lexington, Massachusetts; I came across a monument commemorating the ‘Patriots’ that were killed during the Battle of Lexington. The inscription on this memorial reads: “They gave all that was dear, For their Country”.

Does anyone really possess the sentiments expressed in these quotes; or aspire to be defined by the inscription on the monument?

Does the political leadership in our government and schools, emulate this type of commitment and devotion?

Does the Obama regime mirror qualities reflected in the aforementioned quotes? Does his administration model a body of work, which demonstrates reverence and respect towards the nation he oversees, and all of the citizens that he governs? Has the sacrifices made by those who have given their “last full measure of devotion” been put to good use under his command?

We will suffocate in our own filth, strangulating any decency that could come out of the dream that once was America, if we don’t connect with that part of ourselves, which is willing to attend to the needs of our nation; spiritually, educationally, and environmentally. Employment, through expanding our industrial base, technological expertise, entrepreneurship and energy independence; can be done in a clean and effective manner. It simply requires a credible leader who is respected and trusted.

Producing mature, grateful and profoundly intelligent students has not been our forte. We’ve settled for whatever’s been dished out by the government schools. Spring break will offer a snapshot of how advanced and refined the education given to our students has become.

There’s not much wiggle room left, as it relates to maintaining a semblance of that bygone era, where sacrifice, hard work and effort realized individual achievement, dreams and national prominence. Being cuddled, coddled and enabled in our deficiencies, has fostered dependency, while giving rise to the nanny-state.

The forces of darkness have had their way with us. Unless we turn towards the light and allow the sunshine to dispel and disinfect the delusional remnants of lessons not learned, the future will be dim.

It’s is time for us to rally together, delving within, to do what is right for ourselves, our children, the country and the world at large.

  No Responses to “Character-Courage-And-Betrayal…”

  1. How can we expect to have anything but a “nanny state” when the majority keep groveling for a “credible leader”?

  2. Mr. Donnelly seems to ascribe to the premise that we, as a citizenry, have relinquished our responsibility to our core values, and thus are complicit in the demise of our social and national fabric. If we the people could just be a little more industrious, pay more attention in school, recycle those plastic bottles, elect more “credible” leaders, we would then be on the path to greatness once again.
    He could not be more wrong.
    Our problems are systemic. Any discussion that proposes solutions within the context of the present paradigm, is meaningless. Our decent into fascism, police statehood, economic austerity and deprivation, and educational malaise, is a calculus of intentional design.
    My academic background is in economics. It may be myopic on my part, but i believe that the mathematical and social components of economics can explain the way the world is run in it’s entirety. In other words, follow the money.
    The world is run by those who create and disseminate money. These are the same people who own the 40 or so corporations that dominate global business. National boundaries, national governments, national economies, are meaningless. Your votes are meaningless. Slogans are meaningless. You are being impoverished and dumbed down purposely. Jobs are gone because they reduced the money supply to the real economy; education has been priced out for many, and dumbed down for those who can still afford it. Our circumstance has nothing to do with any “attributes” that we have lost as a people, nor will it improve with any renaissance of spiritual awakening.
    Our “nanny” state has been forced upon us, and to place blame for that on the American people, is both offensive and naive at best.

  3. Daves, do you have any thought on Karen Hudes and her coalition? There’s a recent interview with her on RedIceRadio I would appreciate your opinion on.

  4. Sister….
    Ms. Hudes is entirely correct in her perspective of the global financial system. I am not familiar with the interview you are referencing, but I have read some of her positions. While I agree with her assessment, I do not believe she goes far enough in naming names. The number of people who control the world could literally fit at a large conference table. Ms. Hudes was trying to warn about irregularities within the World Bank, when in fact, the bank itself, as are all banks, central and retail, corrupt per se. the system on which they are based is corrupt, and is in fact a giant ponzi scheme. The Rothschilds, and to a lesser extent the Warburg, Loeb, and Rockefeller families amongst several others, control all these banks, and thus they control all commerce and all governments of any note. Ms. Hudes is correct that a small banking elite has basically co-opted the world, and as long as we accept this money/credit as debt paradigm administered by private individuals for their private gain, we have effectively surrendered ourselves to these sociopathic miscreants.

  5. Daves, if you get a chance please listen to her interview. She goes a lot further in naming names, to say the least.

  6. Daves, thank you for your superbly written and well-thought out critique of my article.

    Paradigms are not inherently evil. Flawed individuals give expression to their character defects in a multitudinous manner, when in positions of power. They manifest ponzi schemes, banking methods and monetary policies to maximize their profits and control.

    Is money the root of all evil, or is it a method to exchange love and compassion?

    So called ‘Education’, as it has and is being delivered, is not an education at all. Children have been indoctrinated with the propaganda proffered by the Department of Education. In the 6th grade, myself and my 60 other classmates, for the most part, possessed mathematical, reading and science skills at a 9th and 10th grade level. We were all members of an elementary school in the South Bronx.

    The teachers did not spend our time instructing us on how to put a condom on, or where to go to get an abortion.

    Our composition and expository writing classes were developed around the themes of liberty, unalienable rights and freedom. We sang songs and read poetry reflecting these values.

    We were confident, cocky and self-assured. We flexed our muscles in front of our female counterparts on the streets and ball fields of NYC.

    As we grew older, we were not prone to have anybody tell us what to do or how to live our lives. With the Vietnam War on, at 18 years of age we all had some serious decisions to make.

    The foundation for attaining a Self-actualized and Self-realized state of mind was set during my early childhood education. A work ethic that coincided with a design for living, which was taught to me, has proven to be successful through fair weather and foul.

    My reality, world and universe rests between my ears. Free of the opinions, ideas and attitudes of others, I live my life as I see fit.

    Daves, those attributes described to you, in many ways have been lost. For the most part, they are not taught nor reinforced in our society.

    I have always liked money. What others do with their money, I’ve little interest in. I’ve put my money where my mouth is and have trail blazed policies and activities that I believe have a sense of purpose.

    I grew up around all sorts of ways of getting money. I soon realized that acquiring money through rendering a service to others, was the way to go for me. The joy of monetary reward, along with a spiritual renewal of everything that really counted, is what I like.

    Our nanny-state has been welcomed with open arms by a populous unable to think or care for themselves.

    The revolutionaries who died with Crispus Attucks, birthed an ideal that has been irresponsibly squandered by the citizenry of this nation. We have allowed it to happen. We’ve not ‘drained the swamp’. We’ve not pledged our ‘lives, fortunes and sacred honor’ to defend and take back our nation.

    For Sister, I am my own leader. Over my life I’ve exchanged many blows with the forces of darkness. I know them, they know me. I’ve attempted to share my life’s work with others, so that they may realize and enjoy the journey of manifesting their true potential.

    I thank both of you for your informed ideas.

  7. and if i may thank all 3 of you john, sister and daves for some very thought provoking positions. i am humbled by heavyweights. john i’ve conversed in past issues on a number of subjects of reporting in this right fine bluepaper and tipped my hat to you and sister i’ve observed a few interviews of hudes and if memory is correct she seemed to fixate on the vatican and ramble somewhat nevertheless interesting though and i thank you also and daves hopefully all of us one day may meet and yes in the words of rockerfeller many years ago i shall close my thanks to you too for now since the hour is late with:

    “We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time
    Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended
    our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost
    forty years.”

    “It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world
    if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years.
    But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a
    world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite
    and world bankers is surely preferable to the national
    auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”

    Quote by: David Rockefeller
    (1915- ) Internationalist billionaire, CFR kingpin, founder of the Trilateralist Commission, World Order Godfather
    Date: June 1991 Baden, Germany
    Source: Bilderberger Meeting, Baden, Germany

  8. For the record wankajm, I think you are much more intellectually elite than Mr. Godfather Rockefeller.

  9. and also for the record dear sister….if being more intellectually elite then sir rocky means a refusal to be put under any tyrant’s thumb then i stand guilty of the charge! 🙂 best of cheers.