Amateurish Governance—Distasteful And Dangerous…



An analysis of the government’s ineffectiveness when it comes to protecting its citizens from terrorist attacks, provides us with a record of gross misconduct, incompetence and inefficiency.

Intelligence gathering failures by the government are voluminous. Misuse and abuse by the political appointees heading up these bureaucracies are alarming.

Since the Islamic militants declared war on the United States, there have been 70 separate and successful terrorist attacks launched upon Americans, while living within the United States. These radicalized Muslims have killed 3,101 innocent men, women and children. They seriously wounded 2,283.

Those numbers do not include Maj. Nidal Malik Hassan’s murderous rampage at Ft. Hood, where 13 soldiers were killed and 32 wounded. This incident was deemed as an act of workplace violence rather than an act of terrorism.

These casualties do not reflect any of the murderous attacks launched by terrorists on Americans and their civilian employees, living outside the Continental United States. These numbers are startling: 37 successful attacks leaving 1,414 individuals killed and 5,237 wounded.

Please understand that the members of our Armed Forces and their civilian contingencies, who are being killed and wounded in Iraqi and Afghanistan, are not included in the aforementioned tally.

Is this what you call ‘intelligence gathering’? Securing data to protect American lives while preemptively taking the attack to those who are determined to kill us. At best, the government’s strategies and tactics have been disorganized and inept.

There aren’t many secrets nor much to tell. A bloated and amateurish bureaucracy unable to do its job, where an employee is rarely terminated or demoted for being a bumbler isn’t comforting.

Do we want our lives scrutinized in perpetuity by a government that views the Bill of Rights and Constitution as obsolete and irrelevant?

The advent of a surveillance state that digs into our lives, as it exacerbates its power and control, is a death blow to the liberty and freedoms that we once held dear.

Perhaps if the NSA spent more time infiltrating and penetrating behind enemy lines, rather than surveilling law-abiding citizens, we would once again enjoy the prestige and safety that has thus far alluded us.

  No Responses to “Amateurish Governance—Distasteful And Dangerous…”

  1. It’s troubling to concur with this analysis. However, I instinctively and knowingly realize that it’s true. Those who believe that the present administration’s ideology, for the most part, represent their political views, give the president cover…

    Enslavement comes in many flavors…..

  2. The present regime was legally and lawfully elected. There is nothing that can be done about their manner of governance. Elections have consequences.

  3. yes ‘legally’ and ‘lawfully’ using any number of touch screen voting machines with no paper trail and some juristictions returning 100% and 115% of the vote to the current head resident of the district of calamity. i do so agree “elections have consequences” and we as a nation are seeing some severe consequences as a rapidly developing fascist police state with more and more dependency on the government from the feeding of us as in foodstamps to the dole out of healthcare as in obamacare. yes a nation gets exactly what it deserves and as long as this country ignores the principles of its constitution and votes for the one with the shiney white teeth or the one with the nice smile or along the idiotic idea of ‘party’ lines while ignorning a philosophy of life and voting for just that and not the ‘person’ we will remain in the bondage we find ourselves in today in this one party system of 2 heads.

  4. “Do we want our lives scrutinized in perpetuity by a government that views the Bill of Rights and Constitution as obsolete and irrelevant?”

    mr donnelly i have a differing take and that is this federal government views the constitution not as a pesky irrelevance but as a major ‘threat’ to its collectivist existance.

    i look forward to our mid-terms in november and cheer as clean a sweep as possible with more individuals voted into office especially the senate who admire and adhere to thier oath of office supporting the constitution.

  5. I do too !! I am not happy with Holly Raschein or Dwight Bullard. They have done nothing except collect a paycheck and pose for the camera. Lets give other people a chance to run government.

  6. The reflection of an educational system that has ceased to accurately inform and enlighten its subjects, has manifested itself in our elections. Strategists and salespeople have sold their products to an immature and grossly uninformed public, indoctrinated by sitcoms and a school system ranked last and near the bottom in every measureable academic area.

    Students in Vietnam, a nation that was bombed into the stone age, rank significantly higher than ours. The ‘swamp must be drained’. Where shall we find the courage and leadership necessary to get the job done???

  7. Teacher Unions have stood on the side of many child rapists. Shielding tenured thugs in their mist, so as to have easy access to their prey. We have seen similar conduct in the Catholic church.

    Pay your union dues or be ordained a priest, you will be covered and concealed as you go about your business. It’s a great country that we live in???

  8. Can I find someone cut from the same cloth as Donnelly. So much gibberish and baloney, with no beef. I was ignored in this school system. It was hard for me. Not one person during my 12 years stepped forward to give me the help that I needed.

    I was teased and tormented. I became hard and a fighter, so that the other students would back off. It wasn’t in my nature to be violent.

    So much for Andy Griffiths and his 20 years on the school board. And all the teachers and principals that would not have anything to do with me.

    Despite the harm that you dished out to me, God never left my side. Your abuse was the only gift I required to make my way in this world.

  9. Behind it all, I really cannot understand how we have allowed the government to infringe so dramatically upon basic human rights, which at one time we held so dear. No one, regardless of any political party, should be pleased with the conduct of our government.

  10. We all need to wake up from the Truman Show like existence we are living. Presidents, politicians and local apparatchiks are hired guns to maintain (or manage change from) the status quo.

    “We the people” must ensure that our all voices are heard – loud and clear – but in a non partisan and non-judgemental way. Bridging our perspectives as we shift from being mindless consumers to “a knowledgeable and alert citizenry” will happen faster if more of us “rise to the challenge.”

    The world is waking up:


  11. There has been an epidemic of Florida female teachers that have been convicted of sexually assaulting male students.
    I had no idea that they have sued their boy victims for child support. Boys as young as 13 are being forced to pay child support to these convicted felon former public school teachers.
    Several parents have contacted both State Rep Holly Raschen and State Senator Dwight Bullard.Both of them have not responded to the parents and othe groups ?? Is it arrogance or are they too busy posing for photo ops? Boys should not be re- victimized by their predator. Call or e mail both of them and tell them to do someting about this.They only care during election time. Aren’t there anyone else out thereinterested in running against these two people?? Republican- democrat, please get envolved. Incumbants need to be thrown out.

  12. Great posts, thank you. People will always get the government that they deserve. We are not doing ourselves any favors by allowing a failed educational system to continue to pump uneducated masses into our society. Unable to fend for themselves, they will want the government to take care of them. They will not balk at the nanny state infringing upon freedoms, that at another time, were valued and held dear.

    Such is the current state of our affairs. How it will go from here can be speculated upon, however, we are in unchartered waters.

  13. “In California, an appellate court upheld an order (San Luis Obispo Count y v. Nathan J., 1996) forcing a 15 year old boy to pay child support to his rapist after she became pregnant and gave birth.

  14. Source–NBC News 2006

    Tacoma, Wash. middle school teacher accused of having sex with student

    By Elizabeth Chuck, Staff Writer, NBC News

    A Tacoma, Wash., teacher has been placed on paid leave amid accusations that she had sex with one of her middle school students at least three times, both on school grounds and in the boy’s bedroom.

    Keshia Shaw, a 32-year-old science and math teacher at Gray Middle School, was charged with five counts of child rape on June 26. She is accused of performing oral sex and having intercourse with the student over a two-year period.

    The first time was when he was in her sixth-grade class in 2007; the last was during the fall of his eighth grade year, when they allegedly had sex in Shaw’s classroom, according to documents filed in Pierce County Superior Court. After the last classroom incident, the documents allege, Shaw went to a bank and gave the boy $80 and then performed oral sex on him.

  15. The indispensable key to a progressive and free society is a well educated citizenry.

    The liberals or progressives, whatever they want to be called, are firmly entrenched in our teacher unions. These unions are designed for ‘job protection’, by whatever means necessary. Failed, flawed and dangerous teachers are taken care of by these unions.

    Teacher ineffectiveness and Incompetency causing children to be ill served, doesn’t come near to being a priority for them. Unholy alliances worked out between them and school district administrators keep everyone happy. Corrupt politicians (school board members) offer up our students on the altars of ignorance, for the sole purpose of getting this block vote.

    We better take a stand before it’s too late. Perhaps the time has past.

  16. From these comments I’m thankful that I was just denied an education. Although I was teased and neglected by my teachers because they said I was stupid, at least I wasn’t sexually assaulted or raped by them. Or in the case mentioned, paid for sex.

    What sick, depraved and perverted people we have employed to teach our young. Please excuse me if my language is strong. I’m still dealing with the injuries and hurt that I was made to endure at the hands of the school district.

  17. fred sure looks like you got a bone up your rear toward these 2 people as also reflected in the reply to my earlier post of which i was speaking primarily on the subject of the federal government although it applys to state and local government too. i would like to see you post a hyperlink to the source of your post specificly about the teachers. remember to trust….but verify!

  18. Was provided with this source via a comment.

  19. With all of the unearthly amounts of money given to the NSA, a small fraction of it would ensure that every ghetto, starving child and undereducated American would cease to be. No political pressure has been applied. Selfish and self-serving pursuits reign supreme. The “land of the free and the home of the brave” no longer exists.

  20. It’s time for me to ‘move on’. It’s not my country anymore. Turned into a wasteland. We are all Homeless.

  21. thank you editor
    a brief review shows 78 cases with 7 in florida and dates as far back as 1996 giving a time span going on 18 years. 7 florida cases in 78 nationally over an assumed 18 year period an ‘epidemic’ does not make. however the wdn study was published in 2006 in the link supplied i assume by mr detorez. neither politician was in office in 2006 and one must question the intention of the poster in this regard taking 2 swipes at thier integrety including this particular matter of child abuse. i rest my case.

  22. box cutters…mwahahahahahahaha

  23. The posts on “income inequality” support the grievances addressed in this comment section.

    It doesn’t matter what your politics are, if you’re unable to think, analytically reason and learn the skills necessary to make sense out of economic, banking and government systems; you are condemned to a life of ignorance. This material world will be confusing and threatening, creating stress and dysfunction in the lives of its participants.

    Robust discussion, argument and debate of the strategies employed to manage the systems of government will be thwarted.

    It all starts in our Classrooms. Children from broken families, crime infested neighborhoods and poverty have been healed by exposure to an enlightened teacher. I’ve seen it happen time and time again.

    Educators, pundits and politicians talk a good game, never delivering on their promises.

    Until this this issue, that indeed threatens “our national security” is competently addressed; it’s all baloney.

  24. The posts on Donnelly’s “amateur governance” support the grievances addressed in Cooper’s “income inequality” article.

    It doesn’t matter what your beliefs or politics are, if you’re unable to think, analytically reason and learn the skills necessary to make sense out of economic, banking and government systems; you are condemned to a life of ignorance. This material world will be confusing and threatening, creating stress and dysfunction in the lives of its participants.

    Robust discussion, argument and debate concerning the most effective strategies to be employed in managing the systems of government will be thwarted.

    It all starts in our ‘Classrooms’. Children from broken families, crime infested neighborhoods and poverty have been healed and given a premium education because of their exposure to an enlightened teacher. It was expected that they would expand their knowledge base and skills, as they became confidently aware of their environment.

    At one time it was ‘standard operating procedure’, children learn and become more self-actualized, as teachers prepare and demand more from them. I’ve seen it happen time and time again. It was my experience.

    Educators, pundits and politicians talk the game necessary to keep their jobs and secure votes. Unfortunately, that’s as far as they are willing to go.

    What are your solutions to this inequity?

  25. Excuse me for being on topic but I thought the gist of this article was… how are we to keep those filthy mooslims from hating us for our freedoms?

    I cannot believe that in this day and age with all the access to information from whistleblowers like Sibel Edmonds and research from 1000’s of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth that people still WILLFULLY want to believe in lies.

    The solution to the problem is STOP BELIEVING IN LIES!

    All wars are bankers wars!

    Mr. Donnelly, evidence shows that the Gulf of Tonkin incident was also a false flag….

    If you look up the FBI statistics on domestic terrorism by race/culture, jewish terrorist account for more than mooslims and hispanic terrorism totally tips the scale.

    Oh and lets not give any thought to the MILLIONS of murdered Afghani, Iraqi, Yemeni, Pakistani, Syrian (yeah, the good ole ZSofA is funding that “civil war” too).

    I’ve come to the conclusion that the majority of people ENJOY knowing about and participating in the slaughter of innocent lives and that is why we have what we have. We are living in a world run by Satanists and the majority follow, hiding behind some other god.

  26. Amen Sister, Amen.

  27. WANKAJM, These are family court cases so I can’t post the chlid support judgements here but here is a YOUTUBE vid that shows some of the Floida teachers. Bothe Holly Raschein and Dwight Bullard have terrible constituent service and are arrogant.Please google”’ Family Court, Source Of The Corruption’

  28. Well how about the teachers convicted after 1996? Should we protect victims of sexual assault from being sued by their predators?? Are you aware against that there have been cases where children had to pay child support to their predators ???Politicians are lowlifes.

  29. Well said !! I am glad that we have non unionized public funded charter schools in Florida. They are all not perfect but the cirriculum is better that in the public union teacher schools. The Montessori Key West School is one of the best. Please watch on YOUTUBE” The War Against Male Students’ and ” The War On Boys””

  30. Raschein conned the Gay community with a stunt in the last legislative session. She co sponsored a bill that would grant gays additional rights to sue their employer. She was not honest for she knew that house leadership would can the bill. She posed for photos as to say ” GAYS LOOK AT ME !! I WANT TO GIVE YOU A PRIVILEGE SO VOTE FOR ME” She knew that bill was going no where .
    Bullard voted against the joint child custody bill and other bills that would have helped families.

  31. I’m appreciative for this piece and the way that it has been addressed by the poster with their comments. Thank you.

  32. Great point. Please be aware how boys were targeted for being set up for academic failure. Please watch this video to learn how the leftist did it

  33. Would a male teacher be in jail and have a higher bond if he did the same to a female?

  34. Thanks for backing me up. We are printing a mailer with five Florida children that have committed suicide after being forced to do this. We are also producing a video about this also. We are going to place it on the laps of these two elected Florida legislators and let the voters know they did not want to introduce corrective legislation to protect children.

  35. Notice how the liberal news does not refer to this as rape.” Had sex with””

  36. I do too !! I like how reasonable people can dissagree without response ad hominem on here.The Mullet rapper disallows comments as you know.
    This lady, Holly Rascein has a degree in political science . She is trained and educated on how to lie and con people for political purposes.
    I would like to say that John is my favorite contributor on here. I can’t because all of them are great . As a former educator , I hope you do a story on the boy education deficit .

  37. Diane, They would do the same to me. It gave me the motivation to do well though. It worked. Two years after graduating , I built a $600,000. home on the outskirts of the high School property. I took joy in waving at the teachers that bellittled me.Please get the word out about these two legislators. They would not even call or e mail our groups or members back about this issue. All we want to do is protect children from being re victimized. Watch them try to con us now with a fake attempt to address this now.

  38. The Blue Paper is on the firing line of life. It’s filled with life changing information and coverage of issues that are ‘deadly serious’. I’ve not come across another publication with its broad appeal. Thank you and God bless you.

  39. fred as for “Politicians are lowlifes.” i can surely agree in way too many instances.

  40. fred any judge on the bench that would allow such an abomanation should be removed and jailed for additional charges of child abuse.

  41. WANKAJM , These cases are seldom publicized so the public has no idea what these corrupt judges have done.
    Florida Judges receive Title 9 incentive money to their 408 ??? plan for every dollar in child support they order over the state guide line.
    I asked our state reps now that you know this evil stuff is going on now, how would you like to protect our child victims from this? If you try to call or e mail both of them, they will be dismissive( if you receive any kind of response at all) This is why I am highly critical of both of them.
    Another issue is that any woman can have her husband or bf removed from his home without a warrant. The soon to be ex wife go’s sees a judge in a secret meeting and receives a protective order against him. She does not have to provide any proof or evidence of abuse the judge just issues them like candy to the women. Holly was not interested in reforming this unfair sexist policy against men and fathers. Please watch this video by Florida fathers to learn about this abuse. Again things like this are never publicized.