Mary Parmley, “Just 4 Kids” Bahama Village Art Program
and Jeff Drechsler, Key West Community Sailing Center
“I know,” she says, “air conditioning would be nice.” We have a moment of hesitation at the door, the heat inside the warehouse feels like an oven.
We are talking with Mary Parmley, who runs the Bahama Village art program, “Just 4 Kids,” on Forte Street.All around the yard kids are doing the usual: spreading glitter around on fairy wings and sorcerer’s hats. So, really, nothing prepares you for what is going on inside. Inside the warehouse, the children are completely oblivious to the unbearable heat. Ten or fifteen of them are buzzing around like bees, unleashing their imagination as if under a magic spell. They have literally covered all of the walls, all the way up to the ceiling, with vibrant, shiny, colorful, imaginary creatures.
“This is our fairy and dragon week,” explains Mary. “You don’t say…” But the magic that The Blue Paper wishes to report on is not really about paintings, it is about how more groups in Key West are dedicating their efforts to bringing black, white, and hispanic children together during the summer break. “This is really what I wanted to do,” says Mary pointing out that about 1/3 of her students are not from Bahama Village but come to the village art program and make friends. “They go to school together but they tend to go their separate ways during the summer vacation.” She believes racial issues in Key West require more than acceptance, and need some real positive effort.
As the Village’s “Just 4 Kids” art program tries to attract white students, another group, the Key West Community Sailing Center is trying to attract more young sailors from low-income families and is making a special effort to reach out to children who live in Bahama Village.
“We have a two-week youth sailing camp program with openings for the July 21st session,” says sailing instructor, Jeff Drechsler, “All kids are welcome, they just need to be able to swim.” In fact, the sailing center’s board of directors has offered to give out $ 100 student scholarships if the City allows the District 6 TIF fund to match with an additional $ 100 per student. “I will see to it that the Tiff money is approved for sailing school students who live in District VI,” says Commissioner Clayton Lopez. Another $ 100 per student is also sought from private donors to help cover the entire $ 300 per student tuition where needed.
If you would like to help these unsung heroes make it happen, you can. To sponsor a student for programs run by “Just 4 Kids” and/or Key West Community Sailing Club contact:
Key West Community Sailing Center: Jeff Drechsler at 941-735-8363, [email protected]
Bahama Village Art Program “Just 4 Kids”: Mary Parmley at (305) 432-7402, [email protected]