SAVE THE DATE! Saturday April 12th / Salute on the Beach to Present After Life Book Signing Event

Join the authors of After Life – Images from the Key West Cemetery for a book launch and signing, Saturday, April 12, 4-6 pm at Salute on the Beach in Key West.
Saturday, April 12, 4-6 pm, at Salute on the Beach in Key West, Carol Tedesco, Roberta DePiero and Jane Newhagen will present After Life – Images from the Key West Cemetery at a public book launch and signing event. Published by the New Atlantian Library,with photography by Tedesco and DePiero and prose by Newhagen, After Life captures the island’s final resting place in all its poignance, unique character and eccentricity.
Join friends, enjoy half-price specials on well drinks, house wine, Budweiser, Bud Lite, and Miller light, and be among the first to explore After Life.
After Life – Images from the Key West Cemetery was funded in part by a grant to Carol Tedesco from the Anne McKee Artists Fund of the Florida Keys.
For more information, visit

(Left to right) Jane Newhagen, Carol Tedesco and Roberta DePiero will present After Life – Images from the Key West Cemetery at a book launch and signing event Saturday, April 12, 4-6 pm at Salute on the Beach, 1000 Atlantic Blvd, Key West. Photo by Quincy Perkins