Presenting Sarvinoz Fakhritdinova



Sarvinoz Fakhritdinova is a young artist who is a senior at Key West High School. She has been hooked on creating art since kindergarten, studying various techniques from her teachers along the way.  Sarvinoz, who is from Uzbekistan, has also been influenced and inspired by the intricate artwork found in her homeland.  Sarvinoz is sensitive to the energy of those around her and to the vivid images she finds in her own inner dreamscape which later materialize in her paintings and drawings. This year, Sarvinoz has been greatly influenced by her Advanced Placement Art teacher, Shannon Perkins, who has helped her evolve into the passionate artist she is today. Her main media and style are graphite/acrylic depicting surrealism/expressionism.

We invite you to enjoy and share a few examples of young Sarvinoz Fakhritdinova’s work below:



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