Poetry Guild: Tod Perry featured April 6
The Key West Poetry Guild, meeting monthly for at least 39 years, will feature international poet Tod Perry at 7 p.m. on Sunday, upstairs at Blue Heaven.
Perry describes himself as a “small voice out of Cudjoe,” and writes of “the 30 years that I have been there in residence when I am not overseas in Europe, where I have lived for the past 44 years back and forth between Germany and Cudjoe Key.”
He “studied language and literature at Cornell, the Writers Workshop at Iowa, and later taught at the University of Puerto Rico. After five years in New York, I left for Europe in 1970” and has continued “splitting his time” ever since.
“At Iowa I was the winner of the fiction writing prize, and recently came in second in the 2012 Robt Frost Poetry Contest,” Perry continued. “My work has appeared in a number of magazines, periodicals and anthologies, including the New Yorker, Prairie Schooner, and elsewhere. Translations have also appeared in various anthologies.”
Perry may be reached at tod@sound-distributors.de
Poetry Guild meetings include “lightening rounds” during which attendees are invited to read one, original poem. Of course, listeners are very welcome as well. There is no charge, and often refreshments are offered at intermission.