Leon Shell Memorial Sailfish Tournament Reels in Funds for VNA/Hospice of the Florida Keys

Professional Division Champion, Silent Hunter, presents check to Visiting Nurse Association & Hospice of the Florida Keys.
The 16th Annual Leon Shell Memorial Sailfish Tournament once again benefited Visiting Nurse Association & Hospice of the Florida Keys.
This highly anticipated two-day fishing event, which is held in Key Colony Beach, honors Captain Leon Shell. Shell was a gifted and respected angler, as well as an artist who was famous for his handmade specialty fishing lures.
VNA/Hospice, the only not-for-profit home health, hospice and palliative care provider serving all of Monroe County, has been the recipient of the funds raised since the tournament began in 1986.
“VNA/Hospice was honored with the privilege of caring for Captain Leon Shell at the end of his life,” stated VNA/Hospice President & CEO Jody Gross. “The longevity of this tournament and its support of VNA/Hospice affirm the necessity of our agency programs and services.”
This year’s tournament was also part of the year long celebration of VNA/Hospice’s 30th Anniversary of caring for the Keys. To mark the occasion, VNA/Hospice COO Kathleen Ryzoc cast her line as part of the Hillbilly Deluxe team, which was captained by Scott Stoky. Ryzoc and her team captured the First Runner-Up award in the newly instated Amateur Division.
“There are three things in life that I love,” stated Ryzoc. “I love being a nurse. I love the work that VNA/Hospice does for this community. And I really love to fish.
“For me it was a trifecta weekend doing what I love most with thanks to the expertise of Captains Randy Hamilton and Scott Stokey.”
The tournament’s award ceremony, hosted by Sparky’s Landing at Key Colony Beach, was a memorable night for all who attended. Tournament Chairman Matt Anthony, who is also the Spark’s Landing manager, was on-hand to award the trophies and cash prizes to the following winners: Amateur Division First Runner-Up – Hillbilly Deluxe; Amateur Division Champion – Hel’s Angels; Top Angler – John Callion of Reel Obsession; Pro Division Second Runner-Up – Reel Obsession; Pro Division First Runner-Up – Main Attraction; Pro Division Champion – Silent Hunter; Dolphin Weight Division Champion – Main Attraction; Kingfish Weight Division Champion – Silent Hunter; and Dolphin Weight Division Champion – Silent Hunter.
Celebrations honoring the 30th Anniversary of VNA/Hospice will continue with the 31st Annual Queen Mother Pageant and the 30th Annual Fourth of July Picnic, which features a special surprise performer.
About Visiting Nurse Association & Hospice of the Florida Keys, Inc.
Visiting Nurse Association & Hospice of the Florida Keys is an integrated agency that has been providing skilled home health, private duty care and hospice services to the residents and visitors of Monroe County since 1984. VNA/Hospice offers a full range of compassionate, effective, life-enhancing health and supportive services that enable an individual to remain in his or her home. For more information regarding VNA/Hospice, please call 305-294-8812 or visit www.VNAHospiceKeys.org. Hospice License: HPC50310951. VNA License: HHA21245096. HCS License: 232500 and 232517. EIN: HHA21245095. Charitable organization registration number: CH87.