Conditioned Minds–Attract Duplicitous Ideologies…

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Since man’s inception, the drive for wealth and power has been intrinsically woven into the species.
Many of the world’s movers and shakers are possessed with an inflamed primordial drive, requiring expression via “whatever means necessary”. The weak and feeble are often recruited to serve as mouthpieces for those ‘calling the shots’.
Some government policy makers care little of the strategies and tactics employed to realize their power and monetary objectives. Wars, famines, ethnic cleansings and genocides have been honed into the crafts of their trade.
Pursuing wealth and power, along with the ‘almighty dollar’, is what they do. The realities of their lethal conduct are frequently camouflaged. Media exposure of their savagery is severely sanctioned, thus, the extent of their ruthlessness has been diminished and obscured.
People from around the world are compelled to quell the many nuances correlated with their powerlessness, incompleteness and veniality. Discomfort associated with the uneasiness and fear stemming from these stressors, steer one to seek relief.
Presidents, premiers , CEO’s and ‘Joe six pack’; along with distinguished leaders from every walk of life, have at times fallen prey and been influenced by the allure of money. Imperfection is not limited to bankers and politicians.
Money is the ‘mother’s milk’ of those seeking elected office. Lobbyists, industrialists, CEO’s and ordinary folks provide the revenues that politicians seek.
The Supreme Court has adjudicated money , as a means of free expression. It is correlated with “Free Speech”, when looking to get a political message out, and as such is guaranteed constitutional protections under our law.
An individual willing to ‘put their money where their mouth is’ may have an advantage in bringing about a desired political outcome. So, the message remains the same, stay in school and excel exponentially in all that you do. Whether you are born into poverty living in the South Bronx or reside in an upscale Park Avenue penthouse, coalesce with the realities before you and seek solutions. Victimhood never played out well in our neighborhood.
Through hard work, dedication and commitment towards ones vocation, one will arrive at an accomplished and prosperous position in life. They will then have the means to have their voices heard. They can eradicate and disassemble the obstacles that attempted to hold them back, lessening the barriers and infringements that others may face.
If none of that works for you, just perform whatever you do with magnificence and grace. All manner of abundance and good fortune will be drawn your way.
The ‘butterfly effect’ is a scientific theory that suggests if an individual simply thinks positive and loving thoughts, they project goodness and solutions into the universe. The heightened shift in their energy triggers a soothing vibration; which is reflected, absorbed and transmitted throughout the world via subatomic particles. It is a noticeable and measureable phenomena.
The accompanying power and satisfaction of knowing that one is improving themselves and changing the world into a better place, is supremely uplifting. Consciousness is a potent and quantitative force. When developed and used constructively, the material world genuflects before its ‘Master’. Money and affluence cannot purchase the joy, bliss and happiness, which can only be experienced within oneself.
Success and political advantages come in many shapes and sizes. A quality candidate with a message that resonates with the people, along with committed volunteers and a proficient organization are often successful. Enjoying the liberty to legally place my wealth behind the people and causes that I believe in, is a valued trademark of this country. As my forefathers before me, I may also pledge my “life, fortune and sacred honor”.
War can be a profitable business. Whether it is waged to accelerate the bottom line of an industry, or spike the prices of drugs trafficked on the world market, its only usefulness is to kill, maim and increase suffering. Any proficient warrior is cognizant of strategic modes and methods of administering death, which are far more superior and effective in dealing with ones’ enemies, then declaring ‘war’.
The decline and fall of a nation’s and related world’s economies, are governed by the wants and needs of those making and controlling the value of selected currencies. Such is the way of the material world. It’s nothing new. It has been in effect, as long as mankind itself.
Ascribing to the transcendental notion that Rothschild’s wealth and money lenders are beyond reproach, is a pathology propagandized to those susceptible and conditioned to accept a masquerading delusion as fact.
In this life all human beings will face difficulties. If we live in an enlightened manner, we can transcend our difficulties. Ultimately we will become fulfilled, liberated and free. None of the aforementioned qualities can be purchased, bestowed or stolen. The ‘World Bank’ and all its subsidiaries, along with every smidgen of wealth that has ever existed, cannot create a scintilla of joy or happiness.
I am honored and privileged that you’ve chosen to read my column. Please come back for its conclusion in next week’s edition. I will present a solution that is simple and sure. Thank you…..
John Donnelly, a resident of Key Largo was born, raised and went to high school in the South Bronx. Upon graduation he was awarded several scholarships to college. He chose to enlist in the United Sates Marine Corps. While serving in Vietnam John was wounded in action. He received two meritorious promotions, one during combat. Upon discharge and return to America, John had a difficult time transitioning back into civilian life. He found himself homeless for the next 4 years. As he worked out some troublesome concerns, he began to yearn to make some sense of his experiences via education. He sought and received his GI Bill benefits. He applied and was admitted to New York University. He later transfered to the University of Miami where he graduated on the President’s Honor Roll. John secured a teaching position at a Maximum Security Prison Facility for criminally insane adolescents. While working there he earned a Master of Science degree from Florida International University. He graduated Summa Cum Laude.
John spent the next 20 years teaching elementary and high school students, while doing some coaching and instructing as an adjunct college professor. John was the recipient of the Mayor Stephen P. Clark award, which recognized him as an “Outstanding Educator”. During this time he continued his work clothing, feeding and counseling the homeless. John has been acknowledged by the Disabled American Veterans, the Miami Vet Center and the Veterans Council of Monroe County for his efforts on behalf of homeless and addicted veterans.
Recently, John was privileged to spearhead the successful release of a wrongfully accused inmate who faced 3 life sentences, without the possibility of parole, for crimes that he did not commit. This young man has since been returned to his twin sons and graduated with honors from one of our nation’s premier vocational colleges. John continues to research and write on issues facing our ‘One Human Family’.
hats off to you john. i too am no fan of the NWO.
best of cheers and look forward to next week’s edition.
We are indeed living under a global fascist government. What worries me most is the blind march into the transhumanist world our rulers are hell-bent on achieving. In it, there will be no enlightenment, no joy, no real conscience. With the Dalai Lama supporting the movement, how bad could it be? The answer is VERY.