Friends of the Key West Library Book Sale Saturday January 4th
Friends of the Key West Library will hold their second book sale of this season on Saturday, January 4, 9:30 am to 1:30 pm, in the Palm Garden next to the library, 700 Fleming Street.
There are still several categories of books that are very overstocked as a result of summer acquisitions. Hardbound fiction, especially mysteries, plus biography and children’s books—almost all at $1.00—are over-flowing the tables. DVD’s and CD’s abound. There are still loads of National Geographic in lovely matched shelf boxes—five copies to a box for a mere $2.00. History, art, travel, cookbooks, collectibles, etc.—most for a dollar or less—remain plentiful. “Almost-new specials” go for a few dollars.
Proceeds go to the library’s programs, books and equipment. Future sale dates are Saturdays, Feb. 1, Mar. 1 and Apr. 5. Also, check out ongoing in-door book sales, soon to be available in a new location at the library.