Defeat Of Channel Widening Referendum Cut Across All Sectors


To the Editor:

This week 74% of Key West voters rejected the referendum to study the feasibility of widening the channel in order to accommodate larger cruise ships, a ratio of nearly 3:1. Detailed results from the Supervisor of Elections Office paint an even clearer picture of the mandate issued by the voting citizens of Key West. The bigger-is-better pro-cruise-ship argument led by the Key West Chamber of Commerce was sweepingly rejected at every single precinct in the city. Their defeat cut across all sectors of the electorate. Absentee voters, early voters, and Election Day voters all voted overwhelmingly to block the Chamber’s expensive effort to sacrifice the Florida Keys environment in favor of lowest-common-denominator tourism.

In the Old Town precincts, represented by Commissioners Jimmy Weekley and Clayton Lopez, the measure was rejected by an astounding 80%. These are the people who live and work in the districts most impacted by cruise-ship tourism. They have the most to gain and the most to lose from cruise-ship tourism. In the districts represented by the Chamber’s staunchest allies, Commissioners Mark Rossi and Billy Wardlow, the measure was defeated by 67% of the electorate.

Proponents of a responsible tourism economy have earned a powerful city-wide mandate. The Chamber of Commerce should work closely with them, and turn their back on those who would sacrifice the future of the Florida Keys for short-term personal financial gain. The people have spoken loud and clear.

For reference, I am attaching the detailed report showing the referendum results at each precinct.

Arlo Haskell

Key West