Not Very “One Human Family-ish”


To the Editor:

A disappointing experience is guaranteed to anyone who dares to challenge the logic and veracity of the emperor. Unabashedly naked, his ideologues have adorned him with glorious garments, attempting to conceal the true nature of their totalitarian desires. The worship and devotion rendered unto him by his minions is a national disgrace.

These devotees tightly grasp their indoctrinated beliefs and dogmas. Lacking depth and empirical data to discern the plausibility of political perspectives that confront them, they adopt the delusionary persuasions that provide them with comfort, rationalizing their incompleteness and dependency.

These citizen disciples have been successfully targeted by the ruling elites. Marketing techniques that stimulate and drive the baser instincts of this power source has generated political outcomes. The moral and spiritual instruction that would offset this type of propaganda is strictly prohibited.

Has it ever crossed your mind, perhaps the government doesn’t want its citizens to receive a world-class education? A confident and well-informed public would not settle for the garbage being peddled their way.

Enemies of the state have done much to dismantle the republic that birthed our Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and Constitution. Their allegiance is to the acquisition and maintenance of power and control. Prioritizing the personal liberties and freedoms of the American people isn’t formulated into their manner of governance. As our servitude increases, the abuses and mistreatment by government will accelerate.

At one time, inflicting fear and harm into the lives of its people was not the role of the United States government. Using its might and force to attack those that it disagrees with, is not why three successive generations of my family were awarded five Purple Heart Medals.

Apparently, an intolerant and calculating contempt by our government towards those citizens that it does not like has prompted it to act malevolently.

Benghazi, IRS retaliations, journalistic spying, the president’s “Kill List” and torture are not the trademark of my country. The toxic notion that Americans can be secretly targeted for drone strikes within the United States, is as lawless as it gets.

Not very “One Human Family-ish”.


John Donnelly